Finding the Sweet Spot: NPS Survey Frequency for Actionable Insights

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Determining the appropriate frequency for conducting NPS (Net Promoter Score) surveys is crucial for businesses aiming to gather consistent and actionable feedback from customers. Striking the right balance in survey frequency ensures that customers are not overwhelmed while providing valuable insights into their evolving sentiments. Understanding the nuances of NPS survey frequency is essential for companies seeking to maintain a pulse on customer loyalty and satisfaction.

What Kinds of NPS Surveys are there?

No two NPS surveys are the same. You should apply these two different types in your NPS program (and yes, there is a difference in scheduling as well). They are as follows:

Relational NPS surveys. Which are ongoing and ask consumers the NPS question on a quarterly or annual basis. Maintaining contact with loyal consumers also aids in measuring their loyalty.

Transactional NPS surveys. These are set off by certain points in the customer experience, like when a support issue is closed or a purchase is made. Following these benchmarks, they are critical for monitoring client experience so that necessary adjustments can be made.

Relational NPS Surveys

Customers are usually asked to score on a scale of 0 to 10 how likely they are to suggest a company or brand to a friend in NPS surveys. Whereas scores of 0–6 are regarded as “detractors,” scores of 7-8 are regarded as “passives,” and scores of 9–10 as “promoters.”

Relational Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys measure customer happiness subsequent to building relationships with customers.

Its objective is to monitor shifts in consumer perceptions of your product and pinpoint areas in need of development (such as missing features, bugs, poor customer service, etc.).

Transactional NPS Surveys

Once a consumer has completed a specific engagement or transaction, such as requesting assistance from customer service, transactional NPS surveys are delivered to them.

These questionnaires evaluate satisfaction with a particular touchpoint and offer suggestions for enhancing the customer experience.

Additionally, because transactional surveys are more detailed, you should design brief and focused questions that effectively collect the precise data you require.

Find out more: 9 Customer Feedback Software: Small to Enterprise Business

How Often Do You Need to Do a NPS Survey?

What is the best practice for NPS frequency? Survey fatigue can be avoided and user experience and response rates can be greatly enhanced by strategically placed and tailored NPS surveys.

The nature and purpose of your NPS surveys will determine the optimal time for running them, though.

When should Relational NPS Surveys be Sent?

Relational NPS surveys are meant to help you monitor your clientele and promptly assess their degree of loyalty. which implies that regular mailings are required.

You should send out surveys automatically every three, six, or even twelve months to prevent survey fatigue. This will ensure that consumers will respond honestly and allow your customer relationships to develop in the interim.

When Should NPS Transactional Surveys be Sent?

It is best to conduct transactional NPS surveys as soon as possible, or within seven days of the encounter or milestone, since they measure satisfaction with particular touchpoints across the course of the customer journey.

For instance, you should send the survey soon after the customer reaches the activation step if your onboarding process is tracking NPS.

This duration ensures that the customer’s sentiments and emotions are still raw, which improves the accuracy and dependability of their feedback. Additionally, it demonstrates your appreciation for their feedback and your proactive efforts to enhance their experience.

Read more: Boost Customer Satisfaction with Feedback Management

4 Instances of NPS Survey Frequency in SaaS

As previously stated, receiving a significant NPS response rate depends on timing.

Now let’s look at some samples of NPS survey frequency for various scenarios, such as:

  • Sending yearly relational surveys.

  • Launching surveys in the course of the onboarding procedure.

  • Monitoring NPS following the free trial.

  • NPS surveys are used to gauge user satisfaction with significant updates and new feature releases.

Sending Yearly Relational Surveys

Sending Yearly Relational Surveys

Every year, measure total customer happiness using relational NPS surveys to spot trends and deviations.

It does not, however, follow that you should send lengthy, intricate surveys just because it is an annual event. For instance, the annual surveys simply require one click to complete, as you can see below.

To ensure accuracy in tracking changes, we advise sending this survey on the same day every year and using the same set of questions. Additionally, you can mix and match open-ended and closed-ended questions to get input from both qualitative and quantitative sources.

Launching Surveys in the Course of the Onboarding Procedure

Launching Surveys in the Course of the Onboarding Procedure

Consider sending a transactional NPS survey during onboarding to measure post-purchase satisfaction. In this manner, you can gather input regarding the onboarding process and respond when areas that require improvement are found.

To seal the feedback loop, you may, for instance, get in touch with detractors again to find out what went wrong and offer assistance with their issues. This may even stop client churn by demonstrating to them how much you value their opinions.

Monitoring NPS Following the Free Trial

Monitoring NPS Following the Free Trial

You can gauge consumer sentiment regarding their experience with a free trial by using NPS surveys. As an example, you could send NPS surveys to recently registered users whose onboarding checklist is pending.

In this manner, users who convert to paying customers can share their ideas on what worked and help you focus more on those aspects. On the other hand, those who choose to unsubscribe might highlight shortcomings and point out areas where you can increase retention of customers.

NPS Surveys are Used to Gauge User Satisfaction with Significant Updates and New Feature Releases

NPS Surveys are Used to Gauge User Satisfaction with Significant Updates and New Feature Releases

New feature validation might be challenging. Therefore, it’s a good idea to plan product NPS surveys following significant product updates so you can assess customer acceptance and make any adjustments.

Additionally, you can ensure that surveys are only sent to active users and that NPS replies are accurately analyzed.

In conclusion, finding the optimal frequency for NPS surveys requires a nuanced approach that considers customer preferences and the nature of the business. By aligning NPS survey frequency with touchpoints in the customer journey and adapting to changing business needs, organizations can gather consistent feedback, derive actionable insights, and drive continuous improvements in customer experiences and loyalty.

Linda Bui
Linda Bui Content writer at Doran

Hey! I'm Linda Bui. I'm a career-changer. Bootcamp grad & Dev.



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